Archive for the ‘ debian ’ Category

We are waiting for you!

So, six days until DebCamp and we are here working in order to have a great Debian Conference for the first time in Central America! 🙂

We are waiting for you!



Debian tour in Nicaragua

In April, the Nicaraguan Debian community started the Debian Tour, a series of talks in different universities around Nicaragua in order to promote Debian GNU/Linux and invite people to join our community.

The Debian Tour kicked off in the city of Masaya and we plan to visit other cities, like León and Chontales. In April we had two events, and we’re planning four more events in May and an additional four in June for a total of 10 events, but hopefully we can do more 🙂 At this time we have scheduled two visits to UNAN (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua), one in May and one in June, and one visit to UNI (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería) and one more to UENIC (Universidad Evangelica de Nicaragua) in Masaya.

Besides talks, we had one workshop with the help of the guys from UNI about Debian packaging by gwolf who was visiting Nicaragua last weekend. There are a few other workshops planned about sysadmin and security in Debian.

I want to participate in Debian Tour but I still don’t know how, maybe give a talk about LXDE or collaborating with Debian.


Hello Debian Planet

I must confess, I thought only DD’s can be on the Debian Planet and a few days ago I read someone telling me that I must add my blog to the planet, so I went to the Planet wikipage and I saw that Planet Debian is for any active and directly involved participant in the Debian development community.

This is my first post on the Debian Planet. I’m member of the DC12 Local Team and I’ll try to post here updated information about DebConf12 organization, my experience in the Debian Community (I’m starting to collaborate with Spanish translations for the Debian Plubicity Team), and other Debian-related things as well.

Our next DebConf meeting is TBD on doodle, if you are interested to participate in the meeting, please go to doodle and select the dates you are available so we can decide when is going to be the next meeting.

Hope to see you next year in Managua!

My experience in DebConf12 organization

Well, last March, Nicaragua was selected to host the 13th edition of the Debian Conference (DebConf12). For us, as Nicaraguan Community, it was very exciting. We celebrated this with friends the day we were elected. Eight months later I don’t know if we want to celebrate 🙂 and no, we do not regret it.




I have been organizing events since I joined the free software community in Nicaragua in 2007. At that time I remembered that someone told us «there is a event called FLISoL» and I told him «I don’t know what it is, but hey! let’s do it». We didn’t know what to do at first, but in the end we learned how to organize FLISoL.

That’s how I began to organize events. After that we organized Software Freedom Day 2007, and FLISoL and SFD every year since 2007. In 2009 we decide to organize ECSL (Encuentro Centroamericano de Software Libre) in Estelí, Nicaragua. It was a big challenge back then, it was our first time making a four days event, looking for hotels, food and connectivity for 100 people.

I can remember when I met a person in Guatemala when I was at CGSOL 2008 and she was telling me about her visit to DebConf7 and I was thinking «oh, she was at DebConf7, it has to be cool to be at DC7 and knowing all the Debian people, someday I hope to attend DC, I don’t know when, but I hope I can make it», and fast forward four years, I’m a member of the DebConf organization team 🙂

Yes, organizing DebConf it’s a real challenge, you have to deal with a lot of things, and with a lot of people. You need to learn the DebConf workflow, identify DebConf resources. Sometimes you get upset with people, you need a lot of time, coordinate with people in order to make a great job, explain things you are doing. This is about a team, so you need to work as a team.

For me, it’s a great experience doing it, it’s exciting to know that you are collaborating with a huge project like Debian and a good first collaboration if you don’t have much experience coding but want to help.

I can say that this is a thing that pushed me to start collaborating with the Debian project. Now I’m beginning to collaborate with the Spanish translations for the DPN and I hope to collaborate with more Spanish translations and maybe someday maintaining some package.

If you are one of those persons, asking yourself how to help a free software project, you can start helping in events organization, like DebConf 🙂

So, hope to see you next year in DebConf12 and hope to meet with people I knew in DebConf11 again.

I’m back

So, after a long time away from blogging, I’m here again with another blog. 🙂 With this «I forget to write» problem I’ve lost two blogs, so this is my third one. I will try this time to write regularly to share some experiences about free software, work, and about my life. I suppose that since DebConf12 will be in Nicaragua next and now that I’m part of the Ubuntu Membership Board of Americas, I’ll write more often than before. 🙂



I think this is (once again) my first post in English. It’s not that I hate English language, but I always prefer to write in Spanish (my first language), besides, I’m not a good English-speaker. Some friends are always telling me that I have to write more in English because of the «importance» to reach more readers, since English is the primary language in all the free software community and the biggest free software projects, so i think I need to write some things in English.

In July I attended Debconf11 in Bosnia with three friends from Nicaragua, representing part of the Debconf12-LocalTeam and I can say that it was a great experience for all of us. It was our first time attending a Debian Conference and we all learned a lot of things. We shared with some amazing people and I would like to thank to all of them. In this trip I learned that Debian people are really friendly and I say that, because previously, I was thought that Debian people were «unfriendly» (things that you hear from other people) but then I got to know some of the people involved in Debian and I saw that they are amazing people! For me it was an unique experience and I know next year in Nicaragua it will be the same. I’m looking forward to met all of them again.

Recently I was elected to become part of the  Americas Regional Membership Board, so now I’m part of the group who decide who will be Ubuntu Member. I must confess that I’ve missed the two first meetings after I was elected and it’s a shame. 😦 I don’t know how I’m going to do but I promised myself to attend the next meeting on September 15th and it’s going to be hard because it’s holiday in Nicaragua and I’m going to be at Sebaco (the hometown of my wife’s family) where there are no Internet, but I’ll try to get an 3g usb modem to be at the meeting.